Our story.

Our Heart.

Learn the story behind More Than Marketing, and read about our founder's heart for Jesus.

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The concept of More Than Marketing was birthed in 2023, but didn't official set sail until 2024. More Than Marketing is based on the idea that Christian-owned businesses can - and should - market their companies differently than their secular counterparts. 

For our team, marketing for Christian companies is "more than" just media, copy, and great logos. It is the way that your customers get to know your heart and ultimately see Jesus. Your customers might never walk through the doors of a church, but they're encountering you. We believe your business - each and every part of it - is a place where people can encounter Jesus. It's so much more than marketing.

It is important to note that we welcome and are excited to work with all types of businesses. Your company does not have to be a Christian organization or Christian founded to work with us. We do not discriminate on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, or familial status. 

A part of our marketing development process is spending time in prayer. We enjoy learning how you'd like to encourage your community to encounter Jesus. If you'd like to learn more about our beliefs, feel free to read our statement of faith.

Hey there - I am overjoyed you've found your way to our website. If you're browsing here there's a good chance you too see your business with an eternal perspective. I try to constantly remind myself of Colossians 3:2-4,

" Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."

My hope and prayer is that More Than Marketing can be a vehicle for helping businesses share the Gospel in every part of their marketing. In today's world, it is becoming more and more challenge to reach lost souls. 

I am excited and eager to walk alongside you and help your business thrive. I've found that the creative side of business - which can often be a pain point of business to many - is where my heart and mind flourish.

Haley klockenga

meet our founder

My husband, Hayden, and I live in Southern Illinois, and we love to travel. Our goal is to visit all 50 states before our 50th wedding anniversary. Hayden is a huge support and plays a large role in many behind the scenes tasks. We are blessed to have four children - two here, one on the way, and one in Heaven. Since losing our daughter in a miscarriage in 2022, we are desperate to teach more people about Jesus and share the Gospel with them. 

13 yrs of photography experience

managed & hosted podcast with 80,000+ downloads

10 years of corporate + small business marketing experience

a few stats...

favorite parts of my career...

  • Incredible conversations with celebrities on GF The Podcast
  • Photographing a national conference
  • Flying across the country to direct photoshoots
  • Seeing my designs printed
  • Developing a tight sisterhood as a senior photographer
  • Being able to support my family while working from home

We believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God. We believe that the Bible is a living word from God. We believe in One God - in three parts the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe Jesus was born from a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died a gruesome death on a cross and rose from the dead just three days later. We believe in his ascension, and we await his return to Earth to call us home to the new heaven and earth God is creating for us.

We believe in eternal life that all will face a judgement day and will either live in Heaven or Hell for all of eternity. We believe the power of God lives inside His believers through the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe God still performs miracles today. 

statement of faith









